Roots Deep Branches Rising Groups for Women

Roots Deep, Branches Rising
Women's Sacred Circle

"Spirit of life, come unto me.
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea; move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold me close; wings set me free;
Spirit of life come to me, come to me."

~Carolyn McDade, 1981

Embracing the Feminine Divine Goddess through ritual, magic, learning, sharing, books, art, poetry, chanting, film, guest teachers, drumming, sacred-circle dancing, wildness, women bonding, telling their stories, journaling, and partner exercises, journeying, meditation, sacred altars, creating sacred space, archetypes and symbols, chakra work, divination, Women's Mysteries, healing and energy work, creativity and self-expression, connecting to the rhythm of the new and full moon, and walking the spiral path of the seasonal Wheel of the Year!

This closed* group meets each season of the year, every two weeks from 6~9 pm.

Sliding Scale $11 - $22 love offering per evening *

A seasonal commitment is required.

Please call Melissa for more information and to set up a short interview at
603-767-3110 or email

*A "closed" group is one in which the same group of women are together for a chosen amount of time. New members are not taken in once the group begins, in order to allow women to form bonds of trust and safety with each other. Each session lasts a season.

*Each week, a basket will be set out for you to place your payment in. Women are asked to pay what they can afford (anywhere between 11 and 22 dollars). I would like to keep the group accessible to all women. If you can afford to pay the higher amount, it will be appreciated!